

JISC Innovating e-Learning 2009

Thriving, not just surviving

24-27th November 2009


We are pleased to announce the date of the 2009 JISC online conference


This year’s conference theme reflects the challenges facing further and higher education in the 21st century, yet offers you all of the ingredients you need in a good conference experience.


·         Outstanding keynote speakers

·         Multimedia presentations, discussions, debates, hands-on demonstrations

·         Opportunities to question experts

·         Sense of community

·         Papers and presentations available for future reference

·         Value for money


The programme

This year’s conference features keynotes by Charles Leadbeater, leading thinker on innovation and strategy, Nigel Paine (writer, broadcaster, organisational learning specialist and former BBC Head of People Development) , Helen Beetham and Dr Rhona Sharpe (JISC Learner Experiences of e-Learning), Peter Bradwell (The Edgeless University, Demos) plus a variety of sessions under two themes, each running over two days.


The experience

James Clay, Gloucestershire College, returns as conference blogger but new this year is the Have-a-go area which offers an opportunity to try out for yourself new tools and technologies. Also on offer are guided tours in Second Life by representatives of the JISC Regional Support Centres and a chance to chat in the Virtual Coffee Shop with delegates from the UK and overseas.


How it works

The conference takes place in an asynchronous virtual environment which can be accessed online wherever and whenever is convenient to you, and is surprisingly easy to engage with. Further information from



Booking now open

Delegate fee: £50




Ros Smith

e-Learning Consultant


01242 620560