

Oops! Were my suggestions taken as a personal admonishment? They were 
not intended that way at all.

I write to everyone on this list with the understanding that many of us 
are queer academics, and most people will know more about sport than I 
do. That is, I write from a humble position of offering some ideas with 
the understanding that this is a collective effort.

I think it is great that queer theory is pressed to inform policy in 
this area and I am very interested to see how queer theory stands up to 
the challenge. Maybe through this kind of issue we can mould our 
theoretical frameworks to be more politically effective.


Katrina Røn (Ph.D.)
Associate Professor in Societal Psychology

Institutional affiliation:
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway.

Postal Address:
Psykologisk institutt, Postboks 1094 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norge.

Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3 A, inngang 1, S0326

Tel: (47) 22 84 50 18
fax: (47) 22 84 50 01
email: [log in to unmask]


Do you know about the new journal: 'Psychology & Sexuality' which will 
be published by Taylor & Francis from January 2010?

Psychology & Sexuality will advance knowledge and understanding of 
lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual and queer issues in 
psychology and allied disciplines. The journal will be inclusive, 
publishing good quality quantitative and qualitative work, and adopting 
a broad understanding of psychology.

Journal Website: