

Calling all osteometrics buffs... we are contemplating the purchase of a 3D scanner and have been looking at a relatively inexpensive model made by Zcorps; it is easy to use and has many other advantages over the Minolta range 7 scanner. However, it only offers a resolution of 0.05mm, albeit in three dimensions. The Minolta range 7, on the other hand, offers 4 microns - in one dimension only. The accuracy of both instruments is the same (40 microns). Does anyone out there have experience using 3D scanners with greater than 0.05mm precision and do they see a clear choice here? 
If so please advise... although it is always tempting to get "the best" it might not always be necessary (or possible)...
Thank you,
Prof. Ariane Burke, 
Dept. d'anthropologie, 
Université de Montréal, 
C.P. 6128,  Succursale Centre-Ville 
Montreal, QC 
Canada,  H3C 3J7 
Tel. 514-343-6574 Fax. 514-343-2494