

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, David Berry wrote:

> 2009/8/26 Peter W. Draper <[log in to unmask]>:
>> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, David Nutter wrote:
>>> I don't know if this is a bug or user error (I know what it usually
>>> is!), but if I generate a gaussclumps catalogue in cupid, and add the
>>> extra columns with GAUSSCLUMPS.extracols=1, then Gaia won't plot the
>>> catalogue. Instead, it gives the error "Unknown STC shape". I added
>>> the extra columns to get FWHMs of the fitted gaussians in Gaussclumps.
>>> Is there an alternative way to get these, without breaking (?) the
>>> plotting in gaia?
>> Hi Dave,
>> you can open a catalogue like this and get something plotted if you untick
>> the "STC shape" option when importing the CUPID catalogue -- this will draw
>> a simple rectangle.
> Hi Peter,
>             So is this an AST problem?  I was just looking at
> :draw_stcshape in StarRtdImage.C and was beginning to think it may be.

Don't know yet. Just offering a work around while I look at it in more 
depth. If it is an AST issue I'll let you know.

>> Peter.
>>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:53 PM, David Berry<[log in to unmask]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> There's an undocumented debugging feature that gives access to a few.
>>>> If the configuration parameter "GaussClumps.ExtraCols" is set to a
>>>> positive integer, then extra method-specific columns are added to the
>>>> output catalogue. If ExtraCols is set to 1, then the catalogue will
>>>> include columns with names GCFWHM<i> (where <i> is 1, 2, or 3),
>>>> holding the FWHM of the fitted Gaussian in units of pixels (these FWHM
>>>> values have NOT been reduced to excluded the effect of the beam
>>>> width).
>>>> Setting ExtraCols to 2 gives more columns including GCCHISQ that holds
>>>> the chi-squared.
>>>> David
>>>> 2009/7/21 Jason Kirk <[log in to unmask]>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> A quick question about the FITS catalogues produced by CUPID. For the
>>>>> gaussclumps method there are parameters from the fit of the gaussian to
>>>>> the
>>>>> data that aren't propagated to the normal output catalogue (position
>>>>> angle,
>>>>> chi-squared value, FWHMs etc). Is there an easy way of getting at the
>>>>> values
>>>>> for these parameters.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -Jason
>> --
>> Peter W. Draper,

Peter W. Draper,