

Hi all,
         I have, only recently, started looking at DARTEL for my spatial normalization
needs, and regarding this, i had a some very basic beginners question about its use
To start with , i would like to explore dartel as an alternative to spm normalization, to normalize
a single T1 to the template, to store the deformation fields, invert them, and apply the
inverted field to a template (parcellation) with a different interpolation methodology.
I have used this sequence of steps earlier, successfully, using the spm_normalise and
invert functions of the Deformations toolbox supplied with spm99 and spm2b. I was
wondering if i could re-code these steps with dartel replacing the usual normalization?
I have gone through the manual, but still i am not very clear about how to deploy the
dartel pipeline to just a single T1 volume, and how to invert and apply the deformations
that are generated to another image?
         Can anyone advise me on whether dartel can be used as described, and how should i go
about creating a job structure to perform these manipulations.