

On 20 Aug 2009, at 22:07, brendan cronin wrote:

Has anyone got any good ideas or references for these two areas – the micro-politics of the primary school; the introduction of the creative curriculum into primary schools.

Dear Brendan (and all), sorry for the delay in responding. I've been waiting for a draft assignment from Claire Formby who has focused on a creative curriculum in a primary school in relation to gifts, talents and education.  You can access Claire's writings at:

In the area of the micro-politics of the primary school I've been inspired by Bernie Sullivan's doctoral thesis on a living theory of a practice of social justice. I've been working on the idea of enhancing professional through bringing the embodied knowledge of master and doctor educators into the Academy and Bernie fulfils all the criteria in my understanding of the knowledge of a doctor educator:

You can access Bernie's thesis from

Hoping that these writings are helpful.

Love Jack.