

A Study of History

We have to go home and be bankrupt.
Foodstamps, shelters … it doesn’t bear thinking about.
So we don’t.  Zelda and Scott
had one last pricey fragrant haircut
before they left.  It’s funny how
things once chic are no longer so.

Maybe a farewell run at the casino;
bet credit-cards, kids … But it’s being
torn down.  Or rather folded
like a prop and stored for the next cycle.
A sudden dusty light
where it was reveals workers,

some employed, about whom at last
one needn’t feel sentimental.
They glare at us, contractors, each other,
anyone darker or lighter.  Their minds
are bricks.  They pray.  When they move
they’ll move like an amoeba,

devouring, first, Lady Fluff,
whose all-transcending bray
crashes like a tsunami over the *plage …
Few credit nudity as well as she.
It is as much a statement of freedom
as her laugh is of idiocy.

By the seawall we meet Lord F.
He’s about to upload himself
and her.  They will ride out the storm
of this era and trust in recurrence.
He won’t demean us by offering
to help monetarily,

regarding us as he does
as fellow intellectuals – thus,
as he says Gramsci said, members
of the class consisting of the alienated dregs
of all classes.  Instead
he treats us to a drink and his wit,

and breathlessly we assure him
that if we were the masses and he
in politics, we’d march for him across Asia …
Embarrassed, he watches
the archaeologists diving
in the harbor.  Much of what

they’re bringing up is,
with the decline of reason, gods again
and subject to reprisal from other gods.
Meanwhile the divers
marvel at the straight roads
and temples at the bottom of the sea.