

Hi, Ranulph,

Perhaps it is true. So far, there are 33 Doctors of the Church. The last was
St. Therese of Lisieux, known variously as the Missionary Doctor and Doctor
Amoris (the Doctor of Love). Of course, John Paul II said that her spiritual
gifts were a true science.

She became a Doctor of the Church in the late 1990s. No one has yet been
promoted in the new millennium, so there may yet be an opening for me.

To be sure, only an Angelic Doctor can retreat rapidly with wings. (Didn't
Christopher Frayling have something to say about that ... retreating with
wings, retreating on wings, retreating into the wings?



On Fri, 7 Aug 2009 09:02:33 +0100, Ranulph Glanville
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:


>Doctor, in the sense you covet it, Ken (Doctor Angelicus), is not the
>doctor in PhD (philo + sophy: love + wisdom, I think), but the doctor
>of ducare: to lead out. Hence, teacher.


>Retreating rapidly into the wings,