

* Andy Swiffin <[log in to unmask]> [2009-08-14 13:12]:
> Does anyone know, does Shib 2 keep the users DN in some internal
> attribute that I can access?  The only way I can think of doing this
> is by storing a users DN as an extra attribute on each object
> (yuk!).

The former (a new Shib feature) has been written (see the patch in, but is not yet part of
the source code repository or a released version. It provides the
entries' DN as an attribute (by default named 'ldapDN') and works with
any DSA. To make use of this you'd need to include the patch above and
build the IdP from source (which is not difficult), see

The latter (making available the DN as an attribute) is exactly what
DSAs supporting the entryDN operational attribute do for you, as you
already mentioned. But, as per my other replies to Jethro, this
attribute (like any other operational attribtue) won't be returned
from the DSA unless explicitly asked for, so you'd need to list it in
the LDAP resolver:DataConnector/ReturnAttributes XML element, e.g.

  <ReturnAttributes>uid mail ... entryDN</ReturnAttributes>

and take it from there as per usual. (See )

Note that I had to explicitly allow access to this attribute in an
ACLs with a recent OpenLDAP DSA, which may or may not be the case with
Novell eDirectory.

Finally, from a quick search (e.g. [1]) it seems that Novell
eDirectory does indeed support entryDN, so you should be fine with the
Shib IdP as released (no patch necessary) by explicitly requesting the
attribute and possibly tuning eDirectory to let you have it.
Worked for me.

