

But I think that there is also an enhancement of the symbolic dimension 
in television itself. I think, all of us, not certain cohorst, are 
watching television without getting lost in television all the time, but 
we are in an attentive (not passive in a negative sense) mood and 
preparing for the moment to get finally lost. Some people may be waiting 
forever, but still they are waiting for something, and many if not most 
of the people find things to get lost into. Think of the moment when 
your are aimlessly going through the channels and finally you get hooked 
on a film for no apparent reason. This is why a sometimes prefer 
watching films on television to watching them in the cinema. That things 
are being made to appear in mutual colloboration with the viewer and the 
art object is the reason why I find television also interesting in a 
philosophical sense. (That people in the cinema become attracted by car 
chases and explosion should not be credited to television but to cinema 
itself. That people can become attracted by certain moments of 
advertisements or films as well is a topic of film theory and surrealism 
since the 1920s and the concept of photogénie).


Manning schrieb:
> But I think in this case superficiality and the loss of the symbolic
> dimension is the key. Admittedly most kids get lost in the fantasy world
> of television in a quasi-active way, and the aesthetics of television
> then is worth exploring. However, watch adolescents watching screens.
> There are a certain cohort who do not get lost in front of the
> television in a (symbolized) fantasy world but in an idiotic evacuation
> of the symbolic. The former we do not have to worry about, the latter we
> do. So when adolescents go to the cinema, this latter group are
> sometimes just happy to occupied by explosions and car chases, but
> equally fascinated by the advertisements. And soon we will ask them to
> vote.
> rwm

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