Recovery Careers: the quality of care and life - 12th International EWODOR Symposium


The provisional programme for the 12th International EWODOR (European Working Group on Drugs Oriented Research) Symposium is now available on the symposium website at:




In light of the holiday period and following a number of requests, the Scientific Committee has agreed to extend the deadline for abstract submissions to 11th September.  Successful authors/presenters will be notified on or before 14th September.  Those authors/presenters who have already submitted, or who submit before the original deadline of 28th August will still be notified on 31st August.


The EWODOR symposium has a deserved reputation for cutting-edge research with a consistent recovery focus and for bridging the divisions between the research and the practitioner communities.


The event will also mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Scottish Addiction Studies (and there will be cake!).


So join us in Stirling for an event that has over the years come to be seen as one of the major research gatherings in the Europ[ean calendar.  UK recipients of this message should note that this is the first time since it was established in 1983 that EWODOR has held its Symposium in the UK!


Confirmed Speakers:

Ingemar Arn (Sweden)
David Best (Scotland)
Eric Broekaert (Belgium - Flanders)
Bob Campbell (England)
Martin Daumling (Germany)
Jessica De Maeyer (Belgium - Flanders)
Mark Gilman (England)
Rune Hafsted (Norway)
Rex Haigh (England)
Hakan Jenner (Sweden)
Jonas Larsson (Sweden)
Marion Logan (Scotland)
Tomas Ohlsson (Sweden)
Albert Sabates (Spain)
Anthony Slater (Norway)
Vera Segraus (Sweden)
Karin Trulsson (Sweden)
Jos Van Loon (Netherlands)
Annemarie Ward (Scotland)
Rowdy Yates (Scotland)




Rowdy Yates
Senior Research Fellow
Scottish Addiction Studies
Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Section
Department of Applied Social Science
University of Stirling

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