

>         I had a simple question about DNA binding protein. Is there an 
> easy way to detect if your heterologously expressed protein is bound to 
> DNA post purification.

Yes. UV absorbance. DNA absorbs UV strongly, proteins do not. DNA absorbs 
260 more thn 280, the opposite is true for proteins. In fact, it's always a 
good idea to check 260/280 ratio because quite frequently even non-DNA 
binding proteins purified by a single tag affinity chromatography contain 
enough DNA to skew estimation of protein concentration from 280 nm 
absorbance by several fold (9X in one case of my personal experience).

>Also is there an easy way to strip the protein of DNA without any damage 
>done to the protein in doing so.

No generic solution. Greatly depends on the protein and its properties.
