

(Apologies for cross-posting.)

We (Mira Vogel and John Phelps at Goldsmiths, University of London) are
carrying out a literature review for the Higher Education Academy on
'Engaging academics in professional development activities for e-learning'.

We hope to gain a better understanding of the successes and informative
failures experienced by disciplinary staff developers attempting to kindle
an appreciation of, and practice with, e-learning that incorporates
educational values. We are interested in academic staff engagement not only
as attendance and completion, but as enthusiasm, interest and commitment.
What circumstances can promote these attitudes, and how can institutions
support them?

The rationale for this project is available at

Much of the knowledge and practice in this area doesn't make it into
peer-reviewed publications, but may reside on institutional servers in the
form of reports, case studies, minutes or policy and strategy documents. We
hope to uncover this information, and it is for this reason that we are
contacting your organisation.

We would be grateful for any internal or published documents that you can
share with us which might help us explore this. Or if your institution's
approaches here are undocumented but nevertheless actively incorporated into
your staff development activities, it would also be good to hear from you.
Ditto if you have any other thoughts on engagement.

If you feel that a telephone discussion would be preferable, please do not
hesitate to get in touch with Dr John Phelps or Dr Mira Vogel on 020 7919 7298.

We undertake to maintain confidentiality and fully anonymise your
contribution as you wish, and we'll give you an opportunity to validate and
amend the final report before it is formally published.

We hope that you can find time to get in touch. Thank you in advance.

Mira and John