

Full details of the below 
<>(which includes teaching 
materials as well as John's SPSS ASSESS talk) 
<> are at:

John F Hall wrote:
> Peter,
> I'd be grateful if you could circulate the ASSESS mailing list to let 
> them know that the (currently available) new, some greatly 
> expanded, SPSS and other learning materials for my *Survey Analysis 
> Workshop* can now be accessed via Survey Analysis Workshop (July 
> 2009), an annotated navigation guide for the course  with hyperlinks 
> to current contents, all of which are available for free download.  
> These include the tidied up version of Old Dog, Old Tricks from York 
> 2006 and the slide shows.  The only thing I haven't got to work is the 
> movie clip "I Believe in Miracles" with the mousetrap sequence.  It 
> didn't work at York either!
> I've only done about a quarter of the tutorials and exercises needed, 
> but there's enough there to get people started.  There's nothing fancy 
> as it's aimed mainly at entry level students and trainee researchers, 
> but even experienced SPSS users might learn a thing or two.
> Best etc
> John



Peter Watson
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
15 Chaucer Road
Phone: DIRECT DIAL 1223 273712
 	+44 1223 355294 x801 
Fax:    + 44 1223 359062