

Dear all,
Due to rather large differences in slice positioning between subjects I end up with a very small second level mask. (as SPM only creates a mask where all images of all subjects contain data).
Would it be  possible to use an explicit mask at first level in order 'make' SPM include in-mask areas? As far as i'm aware the explicit mask will make SPM exclude 0's or NaNs from the image, but it will not include NaNs inside the mask. (..I've tried running the analysis with an explicit mask to check this.) Or is there any other solution to this problem?I'm relatively new to SPM and all help will be much appreciated!
many thanks in advance,

Janna van Belle
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience
University Medical Center Utrecht
Dept of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
HP A01. 468/438
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht
The Netherlands 
tel.: +31 88 7559840
email: [log in to unmask]