

Hi Guys

I'm just preprocessing some fMRI files. Pretty basic block design, TR=3,
approx 150 dynamics. Pilot data analysed was successfully with SPM5 but in
moving to SPM8 for the full data set i've encountered a problem. Realign
worked just fine (E&R) and coregistration to T1 appeared to run ok. However,
when trying to normalise the images, i get a message saying the file does
not exist.

This message also occurs if i try to check the registration.

Running job #1
Running 'Check Registration'
Failed  'Check Registration'
Error using ==> spm_vol>subfunc at 111
does not exist.
In file "/usr/local/spm8/spm_vol.m" (v2237), function "subfunc" at line 111.
In file "/usr/local/spm8/spm_vol.m" (v2237), function "subfunc1" at line 84.
In file "/usr/local/spm8/spm_vol.m" (v2237), function "subfunc2" at line 70.
In file "/usr/local/spm8/spm_vol.m" (v2237), function "spm_vol" at line 54.
In file "/usr/local/spm8/spm_check_registration.m" (v1185), function
"spm_check_registration" at line 32.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: Check Registration

Thanks in advance