

Quoting Kenneth Wolman <[log in to unmask]>:

> Funny in all senses, esp. that Americans don't know how to use vacation
> time either. We always feel guiiiiillllltttttyyyyy about not having our
> cell phones turned on while we're contemplating the Pacific Ocean.
> k

 Neither Out Far Nor In Deep

 by Robert Frost

The people along the sand 
All turn and look one way. 
They turn their back on the land. 
They look at the sea all day. 

As long as it takes to pass 
A ship keeps raising its hull; 
The wetter ground like glass 
Reflects a standing gull. 

The land may vary more; 
But wherever the truth may be--- 
The water comes ashore, 
And the people look at the sea. 

They cannot look out far. 
They cannot look in deep. 
But when was that ever a bar 
To any watch they keep?

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