

On Tue, 2009-06-30 at 09:32 -0600, Douglas Barbour wrote:
> I get the first of these Chris, but dont really understand the second.
> In what way is digital older?

Doug, one of those provocations that can be used to unseat technological
determinism. Digital technology can be traced back to Leibniz and Kant
whereas silver gelatine is a 20th century invention which also links to
breakthroughs in unstable systems theory. (I owe the original idea to
philosophers working in the area of cybernetic culture.)

Once this is opened up then the gallery paining model applied to art
photography, for example can be critically approached, perhaps also
indicating a more sophisticated technological determinism in art
criticism and theory and so forth. (An application of deconstruction,
basically.) It can also link to feminist critiques of digital technology
where the woman's body provides the ground of technology and operates as
the exchange of women.

Of course, none this claims that artists cannot work with digital media.
I have worked with video and digital technology. best wishes Chris J

PS to Stephen V... thanks for comments, most appreciated, haven't check
your latest tree blog but hope to... I seem unable to type more...