

Terry and all,

I don't want to put a further dampener on enthusiasm for design as the  
solution to the world's ills, but I concur with Terry. Indeed, from my  
research, I think it's even worse than Terry describes it. I think we  
are no more able to control the world than does the travelling tinker.  
Indeed, I think we designers are the inheritors of that tradition of  
practice. We fix today's pots and pans.

You may remember that a few weeks ago I asked some questions about the  
issues surrounding making predictions about the behavious of complex  
systems. I was not impressed with anything I read on that.

I may be particularly jaundiced at the moment. I am sitting in Cologne  
airport waiting for a flight to Stansded and we have just been told  
that we won't get any news about our late flight for at least an hour.  
What that news will be, who knows! I tell you, we are all doomed! Time  
for another beer.

Bring back the Schlieffen Plan, I say! Planning for certainty in  

Come on guys, we don't even know where we are now, let alone where we  
might plan to end up. The latest departure time in one hour…
