

Hi, reading about betraying the planet, im not very optimistic about the
human nature as a person and designer,  humans are ambitious in the wrong
way and it is all about the money always.


 must the designer be essentially optimism to perform better its task?

It can exist very pessimistic designer with no faith and hope for the human
race and still design   or it doesnt matter at all at the end of the day?

it is optimism an intrinsic cuality of being a designer? a must have?

I have been questioning myself lately about the issues above.

As  I mention to my students "Politics are for the ants and bees, very
organized societies with very specifics tasks, working for the benefit of
all, no ambitions of any kind.

However politics are not for the human hearts, that are black and rotten".

to visualize the tragedy in which we live already go to the link  :

I dont even know if it is correct, more or less, or even real data, but even
so it is very disheartening.