

The IPCity project invites for 25 international students to join us 
for the 2009 summer school where they will be given the opportunity 
to work alongside experts in the field of urban mixed realities. The 
summer school will bring together students from a range of 
backgrounds including: architecture, urban planning, computer games 
design and information technology with the aim of creating an 
atmosphere similar to those found in leading research labs.

The first day of the summer school will introduce students to the 
IPCity project, in particular the core theories, key concepts and 
underlying technologies. During the following three days students 
will participate in workshop groups which will focus on novel 
application areas including: urban life and social gathering, 
environmental awareness, urban renewal scenarios, mixed-reality 
gaming and community story-telling in urban environments.

Workshop supervisors will work together with the students to 
familiarize them with the methods, the technology and the focus of 
the workshop. Together and with the help of the provided building 
blocks they will create their own content for existing mixed reality 
systems, conduct tests and field trials, and on the last day present 
their groups' work to the other workshop participants!

For more information visit the summer school website:

on the behalf of organisers

--Kari Kuutti
University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science
Linnanmaa, P.O. Box 3000, 90014 University of Oulu, Finland
tel. +358-8-553 1904, fax +358-8-553 1890
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