

We really shouldn't be (in fact, I'm slightly shocked that we seem to be) comparing these Dan Zambonini just put it (on Twitter) " saying - 'hmm, email can't send parcels'"

The whole point (didn't we get this already..?) is that conversations are *always* going to fragment. This isn't new - anyone talked about museum and museums technology in the pub? Yes? Was there someone there recording the conversation, tagging and archiving it? Doubt it.

Twitter does some things. Blogs do others. The MCG list does something else. There are tools that bring this stuff together, and we could consider tagging MCG Twitter conversations as #mcg or something, but I'm not sure this would either work or bring anything new to the conversation. Twitter conversation in particular just don't happen in that way - they blossom and bloom and then die out just as quickly; coherence isn't just hard to find - it just *isn't*..

And yes, we do have an MCG Twitter account somewhere, currently just parked, doing nothing.

Longer term, we are considering ways in which the MCG embraces these tools more effectively but right now we're suffering the fact that we're a group of volunteers with little/no time/focus on pure MCG stuff. The collective consciousness of the people within the group will have to suffice right now, IMO.



Ps. It could be that the secretive conversations actually *want* to be secretive conversations?

Mike Ellis
Professional Services Group

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