


Are you new to cataloguing rare books? The UK Bibliographic Standards Committee of the CILIP Rare Books Group is holding a training session on the cataloguing rules Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) (DCRM(B)) on 

Wednesday, 5 August, 2009, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.


National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh (Causewayside Building, 33 Salisbury Place).

The workshop is aimed at those who are considering adopting - or have recently adopted -  DCRM(B) from scratch. It will describe the content and implementation of DCRM(B), both general and copy-specific elements. It is intended for those with some experience of cataloguing, but not necessarily of rare books. A course prerequisite is some knowledge of AACR2. Coverage will overlap with the sessions held in 2007/8 on differences between DCRB and DCRM(B), so that attendants at the earlier sessions are unlikely to benefit.

The price is £35.00 (including VAT) for CILIP members and £40.00 (including VAT) for those who are not members of CILIP.

To book a place, please contact Jenny Higham, at [log in to unmask], or by post: 

Jenny Higham
Assistant Librarian
Lambeth Palace Library
London SE1 7JU

Please let Jenny know your email address, telephone number and CILIP number.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a firstcome, first served basis.

We hope to see you there.

Karen Attar
Hon. Sec., UK Bibliographic Standards Committee of the CILIP RBSCG