

Karen - if you mean the iSUG lists (ex TUG) please contact me off list with details of your problem and I will get you working.


2009/7/29 Karen <[log in to unmask]>
Bugbear sounds great , but how do we have any say in these people using them? Our opinions and problems with their system seem to be beneath contempt. I seem to get at least one problema week at the moment. Insulin Glargine in vials is still not prescribable on my computer at present, I also cannot update old repeats of this.
I would like to be able to put drugs on such as off liscence ones, so that there is a record of them in patients notes, to go into letters etc, this is a patient safety issue. I am not allowed access to the TUG forum for some reason so cannot feed back on that.
I really find paper apealing now a days.