

This has always been the case, I gave a patient who had a severe peaniut 
allergy Naseptin, which contains arachis oil, when isoft soft ware had 
the allergy on the records. Luckily the patient always reads small print 
and knew that arachis was peanut oil.

None of the systems have anything like this.
One more failing of using the Multilex drug data base, which is 
obviously inputted by teenagers on a gap year who do not care that we 
have  to re enter all the things they take off by accident and then re 

I am sure there is a market for an improved drug dictionary. None of the 
feed back I have given, with extreme difficulty has reaped any 
improvement in their system.
There should be an e mail address easily accessible, so clinicians can 
feed back their problems, then they could act on any which have frequent 
messages, but as I guess they have a monopoly, there is little prospect 
of any improvement I am afraid. ( The Naseptin problem occured 5-10 
years ago and is still a problem)
