

Mary - the evidence for any effect from Tamiflu is fairly shaky. If given
with 48 hours may shorten duration of symptoms by 1 day. No evidence of any
additional benefit in swine flu although the DOH and our CMO seem to pushing
it as a miracle pill that will cure everyone and should be given to everyone
with a cough and temperature. A medline search reveals no data on evidence
of effectiveness after 48 hours.

David Royal
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2009/7/17 Mary Hawking <[log in to unmask]>

> One of the alogrithmns on the HPA website said that in seasonal flu,
> Tamiflu was ineffective after 48hrs after onset - so should only be
> prescribed within 48 hrs of onset of symptoms.
> However, in swine flu doctors may prescribe it later than that at their
> discretion.
> Could someone point me to the evidence that H1N1 goes on being treatable
> with Tamiflu long after it would not be indicated in any other sort of flu?
> Mary
> --
> Mary Hawking

Dr. David Royal
The Manor House Surgery
Braidwood Road