

     I'm not sure why you're getting this error - if you want to tar  
up your FEAT directory and send it to:

we'll have a look at what's going wrong...

Many Regards


> I have been trying to use the "Add additional confound EVs" option  
> in Feat (v5.98) to account for motion after running prestats. Using  
> the confoundevs.txt file from our prestats directory (which seems to  
> be the motion parameters since it has the correct number of rows and  
> columns) is giving the following error:
> can't read "confoundev_files(0)": no such element in array
>    while executing
> "file exists $confoundev_files($session) "
>    (procedure "feat5:proc_film" line 41)
>    invoked from within
> "feat5:proc_film $session "
>    ("-film" arm line 2)
>    invoked from within
> "switch -- [ lindex $argv $argindex ] {
>        -I {
>            incr argindex 1
>            set session [ lindex $argv $argindex ]
>        }
>        -D {
>            incr argindex 1
>            set..."
>    ("for" body line 2)
>    invoked from within
> "for { set argindex 1 } { $argindex < $argc } { incr argindex 1 } {
>    switch -- [ lindex $argv $argindex ] {
>        -I {
>            incr argindex 1
>            set ses..."
>    (file "/usr/local/fsl-4.1.3-centos4_64/bin/feat" line 137)
> This doesn't appear to be a path error. Am I missing anything?
> Thanks,
> David