

I have said that I would not do that again in as many ways as possible so please go on to the other subjects that I know must be more important than my not understanding the way that BASA works its forums.  
The content, the one thing that people have not addressed in these responses was what I was getting to and since you all have that please skip or cut or whatever and look at the concept of division by different means that the message contains and please look, and take the time to look, at Dinizulu's response. 
The other stuff is just stuff.
The words contained in the two messages are not mine  and this whole thing is already done, so...  
This should not be a vote on rules that you must already know and I don't, it was just a posting. I did not post this to move you toward making rules. I posted it because it shows two nice pieces of writing that say, don't look at a reason to not look at reality. 