

A must read Q&A session with the author of *'Worried Sick'*. Beautiful words
on effectiveness, efficiency and quality.


*Worried Sick*

<>A Prescription for
Health in an Overtreated America

*Nortin M. Hadler, M.D*

Copyright (c) 2008 by the University of North Carolina Press. All rights

Nortin M. Hadler, M.D., author of *Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health
in an Overtreated America<>
*, on what every patient needs to know.

*Q: You're an eminent physician and scientist and a renowned clinician and
clinical educator. In Worried Sick, you call for evidence-based medicine
that demands that the care of the patient be tempered by the science that
delimits clinical certainty. What compelled you to become a reformer? Do you
think that your message will be controversial? *

*A:* I never viewed myself as a reformer, only as a physician who feels
compelled to bring the highest level of clinical scholarship to the bedside
and to model such an approach for my students. I have taught medicine at the
bedside for 40 years with the same rigor I bring to *Worried Sick*.
Furthermore, the notion that medical practice should take advantage of
whatever science has to contribute is not controversial. That notion is a

However, "evidence based medicine" has become a shibboleth rather than a
process. All I am doing and all I am asking is that we closely examine the
"evidence" as to its relevance to the well being of any particular patient.
Worried Sick teaches how to do so, and how productive the exercise can be.
The result demystifies much that is common practice, and informs the
patient-physician dialogue. If the result flies in the face of common
practice, it is common practice that needs reform.

*Q: How do you hope Worried Sick will be used?*

*A:* I have written *Worried Sick* to serve three audiences: I want to teach
all how to interpret medical advice from any source and how to participate
in a dialogue with anyone we choose to serve as our clinical resource. I
want to establish a new standard for bedside teaching of all health care
professionals. I want to inform the health care policy debate. Overly
ambitious? Certainly. Overdue? Also, certainly.

*Q: Why did you decide to include a shadow chapter for each of the chapters?

*A:*  A: Some of the lay readership will desire access to the details of the
science that supports my assertions. In fact, I hope that all readers will
feel such a need. However, all health professionals who read Worried Sick
should demand ready access to such detail. After all, many of my assertions
will seem counterintuitive at first blush. I would not serve the readership
well without the shadow chapters and the extensive bibliography.

*Q: How does this book differ from your previous work, The Last Well Person:
How to Stay Well Despite the Health-Care System? *

*A:* *Worried Sick* differs from *The Last Well Person* in many important
aspects: First of all, *Worried Sick* picks up where *The Last Well
Person*left off both chronologically (since the literature of the
4-year interval
is emphasized) and substantively since much of the clinical science has
matured. Secondly, several important issues that were barely touched upon in
*The Last Well Person* are carefully dissected in *Worried Sick*. And I have
gone to some length to cast the inferences in a light that is directly
relevant to health policy considerations.

I have attempted to craft *Worried Sick* so that anyone who has read *The
Last Well Person* will feel well served by reading *Worried Sick* as well.
Many a medical journal club has used each of the shadow chapters in The *Last
Well Person* as a focus and stimulus; the same journal clubs can
productively return to the chapters in *Worried Sick* to good effect.

*Q: Why is it so difficult for the average patient to advocate for himself
or herself in the contemporary health-care delivery system? *

*A:* It is not just the "average" patient who has such difficulty. We all
do, even those of us with medical expertise. The role of the patient is one
of inherent vulnerability. We must countenance the probing of another human
being into aspects of our life story that we hold so very dear. We need to
trust our "provider." We reserve a special pedestal for our "provider." We
will feel a great deal of disquiet if that trust is lacking. "Health care"
is a philosophy. It may be informed by science, but it is always a

Today, trustworthiness is assaulted by a "health care delivery system" that
places little value on these human interactions and great value on
"efficiency" and profitability. Neither the patient nor the practitioner is
a primary "stakeholder" any longer.

*Worried Sick* leaves no doubt as to this emperor's clothing and tailor.

*Q: What is "Type II medical malpractice"? *

*A:*  We all know about "medical malpractice." It's when appropriate medical
care is administered inappropriately. I call this Type I medical
malpractice. In *Worried Sick* I repeatedly illustrate another form of
medical malpractice, the practice of doing the unnecessary very well. This
Type II medical malpractice demands recognition and expunging as much as
Type I medical malpractice. No one would argue. But you will learn in *Worried
Sick* that some of the most technologically sophisticated and expensive
interventions, interventions for which a great deal of training is required
and about which there is exuberant institutional pride, interventions to
which you and your neighbor are likely to submit are shining examples of
Type II medical malpractice.

*Q: What does it mean to be well, and what makes one's sense of well-being
so fragile? *

*A:*  To be well is to have a sense of invincibility, a sense that we can
cope with much that life throws in our path. This sense of invincibility is
repeatedly challenged; none of us lives long without such symptoms as
backache, heartache, headache, heartburn and much else. Furthermore, often
these challenges from within are confounded by challenges from without in
our lives at home and at work.
To be well is never to be taken for granted.
To feel well requires well tuned coping mechanisms.

*Q: What keeps us from having a rational health-care delivery system? *

*A:*  The simple answers: the profitability of the abomination we currently
underwrite and the marketing that fools us all.

*Q: What is the relationship between socioeconomic status (ses) and
longevity? *

*A:*  In the resource advantaged world, medicine has little to offer for the
longevity of the population. Yes, we save lives. We save the lives of
individuals with acute infectious diseases, some with trauma, some with
acute illnesses such as appendicitis, and the like. But this saving of lives
advantages a tiny, albeit crucial, percentage of the public. Furthermore,
the classic "risk factors" such as some magnitude of BMI or of insulin
resistance or of cholesterol are "risk factors" indeed, but the risk they
represent is measurable in terms of months of longevity for the public. The
majority of your risk for not living to a ripe old age is captured by 2
questions: Are you comfortable in your socioeconomic status? And are you
comfortable in your employment? A negative answer puts years of longevity at

We don't understand the biological correlates of these real-world risk
factors, though there are clues. But we do know they subsume all that is
marketed as important including lowering you cholesterol or treating your
adult onset diabetes.

*Q: Why is "iatrogenicity" a word that we, as health consumers, should be
more familiar with? *

*A:*  Iatrogenicity means diseases and illnesses caused by doctors. Much is
made of iatrogenicity in the lay press, usually in terms of medical errors.
I do not dismiss or excuse such errors. However, *Worried Sick* focuses on
errors of commission that are not considered medical errors in the tradition
of "Type I" medical malpractice. *Worried Sick* considers the personal price
you pay if you learn that a PSA, or mammogram or cholesterol or bone mineral
density is not up to snuff. You will learn whether this inference is a valid
indicator of important consequences and whether the interventions based on
this inference actually advantage you. If they don't, you are left with an
altered perception of your health and whatever toxicities you might derive
from ineffective treatment. That is also iatrogenicity.

*Q: You consider interventional cardiology and cardiovascular surgery the
cash cows of the American health care delivery system. Why? Don't many
patients feel that they have benefited from cardiovascular surgery? *

*A:*  Interventional cardiology and cardiovascular are the leading "health
care" expenses. The cash that flows on their watch underwrites medical
centers and their administrators, many manufacturers, most insurance
companies, and all the other purveyors including the medical "providers."
Furthermore, the cash that flows rewards the various purveyors obscenely
generously. It would make sense if all this actually benefited the patients.
It's a scam.

However, no one can go before an American physician with anything
approaching heart disease without finding themselves in the interventional
vortex. No one can survive this vortex without assuming they survived as a
result and not despite all that was done.

A read through *Worried Sick* might spare you, if you have the courage of
your conviction and learn to ask the telling questions.

*Q: You note that "normal body weight" is a social construction, as is
osteopenia. How so? What's harmful about this kind of thinking? *

*A:*  How about some reality testing? We will all die. The issue is not why,
but when. We will all age. The issue is not why, but how elegantly.

A concomitant of aging is loss of bone mineral density. A risk factor for
death is a body weight beyond "normal."

In the first instance, we need to know if a diminished bone mineral density
represents a meaningful hazard for our own quality of aging. In the second
instance, we need to know if "obesity" is a meaningful risk for death before
my time.

Read *Worried Sick*. Short of extremes, in both instances the hazard is not
worth worry, let alone any potential for adverse effects of drugs or of
being labeled abnormal.

*Q: What fallacies surround the conclusions drawn from the Harvard Nurses'
Health study? *

*A:*  Let's talk about hubris.

Do you really think you can generate meaningful data about such lifestyle
factors as nuances of dietary preferences over decades?

Do you really think we can measure tiny differences in large data sets
reliably, or meaningfully? Read *Worried Sick* before answering.

*Q: In your opinion, did Katie Couric's decision to have a televised
colonoscopy do the general public more harm than good? Do the benefits of
undergoing a colonoscopy outweigh the risks of the screening? *

*A:*  Katie Couric's husband died long before his time and that is truly
sad. Colonoscopy at a very early age might have saved his life.

However, death before your time from colon cancer is quite rare. We would do
more harm performing colonoscopy on healthy young people from complications
of the procedure than we would "do good" in sparing a rare individual (one
without a family history of colon cancer) death before their time from colon

Likewise, finding colon cancer in the elderly is not likely to benefit the
elderly. They are more likely to die with colon cancer but from something

Therein lays the debate. A single colonoscopy sometime in your 50s probably
has a tolerable risk/benefit ratio. Probably. I discuss the "probably" in
detail in Worried Sick.

*Q: How difficult do you think it will be to get patients to accept that it
matters little what one dies of as long as it's one's time to die anyway?
Why are we so resistant to the idea that we are mortal and likely to live
only until about the age of 85? *

*A:*  Americans today are taught that there is a scientific solution to all
problems. We have no sense of mortality. Furthermore, this sophism is highly
profitable for many who promote it, and highly seductive to all who listen.
I wrote Worried Sick to promote reality testing.

*Q:  According to Worried Sick, most male physicians over the age of 50 have
had Prostate Specific Antigen screening (PSA). You are one of the few who
have not. Why won't you submit to this test that's considered almost a rite
of passage? *

*A:*  PSA screening is a very flawed test. You never want to do screening
unless the test detects a disease that should be treated. PSA screening is
problematic. Firstly, by my age all men have prostate cancer though nearly
all will die with prostate cancer and not from prostate cancer. PSA
screening is very poor at distinguishing those who will die from prostate
cancer from those who will die with it. As I say repeatedly, I will die but
I am more concerned about when then how. PSA screening offers no solace.

So why not remove all aging prostates? Or, why not remove all aging
prostates which happen to consistently secrete a lot of PSA? Very few would
die with prostate cancer and almost none from prostate cancer. However,
nearly all would die at the same time if they had not been subjected to the
surgery. Furthermore, about 15% of these "saved" men would spend the rest of
their life incontinent and 15% would be troubled by their impotence.

No thank you.

*Q: Why do you think that many women would be better off if their breast
cancer was never detected? Why do you think that mammography offers so
little of value to women screened? *

*A:*  I fervently hope that some day we will have the ability to detect the
breast cancer that is likely to kill a woman before her time. I would
applaud such a screening modality and demand that we educate all women to be

Mammography in all its current guises fails miserably in this regard. All it
accomplishes is widespread anxiety, enormous numbers of biopsies that are
irrelevant, and a great transfer of wealth.

*Q: You say that "To be well is not to be free of physical and emotional
symptoms or to be spared physical and emotional challenges. . . . To be well
is to be able to cope effectively with the challenges." As a physician, how
difficult is it for you to get patients and their families to accept this
definition of wellness? *

*A:*  Medicine is a practice based on trust and trust grows out of many
interactions over time. Mine is a subspecialty practice focusing on chronic
illness. My patients know me. We can discuss issues such as these without
discomfort. My patients are never "rheumatoids"; they are people who happen
to be confronting rheumatoid arthritis. There should be no "survivors" or
"diabetics" or "hypertensives" or the like—only people with an
illness-colored narrative of life. Such individuals are comfortable
discussing the role of coping in feeling well.

*Q: It can be very stressful to resist a health practitioner's advice. One
can be afraid of displeasing one's doctor by refusing to take a test or to
fill a prescription. How would you advise such a patient? Should one find
another doctor? *

*A:*  Yes, one should find another doctor. I wish that wasn't easier said
than done. It takes 20 seconds to write a prescription but 20 minutes not
to. Physicians would like to have the 20 minutes. In our "health care
delivery system", they would be punished fiscally for doing so. That's
why *Worried
Sick* is designed to inform the policy debate.

*Q: Why do most patients resist simply coping on their own when symptoms
arise? Why is it difficult to feel that one can be well without the
supervision of a physician? *

*A:*  Some of us go through life feeling vulnerable. For some of these, this
uncertainty is the product of the child rearing style of their parents.
That's not a condemnation. It's an observation.

All of us are aggressively medicalized. Billions of dollars are spent in
marketing vulnerability. Sleeplessness, leg twitching, fatigue, sadness,
belching, being a brat, and so much more is medicalized so that taking a
pill is sensible. Life in general is medicalized; it's a minefield. Fish is
good for you unless there's too much mercury. This year if you feed your
child margarine you're a criminal; last year it was butter. The billions
spent on neutraceuticals, biologics, and supplements advantage no consumer.
It's endless, unless you learn to ask the critical question. Is this
evidence based health promotion or simply marketing?

*Q: Why are alternative therapies so appealing? *

*A:*  I have two inter-related answers: Whenever medicine gets as outrageous
as it is today, and was a century ago, "people" find safer ports in their
storms. Furthermore, in our complex society, more and more we need a port in
the storm. That doesn't mean the alternative is salutary. As discussed in
detail in Worried Sick, almost no "modality" purveyed as alternative
withstands scientific testing. Alternative therapy buys you another friend
with another mind set bolstered by another bundle of untested and often
fatuous theories. Just because an alternative port is less likely to do you
physical harm doesn't mean the experience is trivial. It is guaranteed to
change your sense of self, your idioms of distress, your mode of coping, and
your narrative of illness forever. Caveat emptor.

*Q: You state that you know of no higher calling than teaching medicine at
bedside, and yet, you acknowledge that you feel like an anachronism in your
own and other American hospitals. Do you think that other physicians feel
the same way? *

*A:*  I know of many, and that many feel the same way. The national emphasis
is on "throughput". Patient care is "managed" with efficiency
(profitability) the goal. There are few Socratic sessions, almost no
references in charts, little argument between consulting groups, nor are
patients admitted for other than "reimbursable" goals. The vaunted clinical
scholarship of mid-century is barely a ghost.

*Q: What's the difference between the Quality Movement in health care and
the Effectiveness Movement? *

*A:*  There is a major emphasis on efficiency and "quality" as cures for the
inadequacies of the American health care delivery system. There is no
argument. However, efficiency and quality is the cart; effectiveness is the
horse. If the treatment is ineffective, who cares how well or efficient it
is delivered. That's why CMS (Center for Medicare Services) studies of
improved quality of care for in-patient interventional cardiology
demonstrate no improvement in outcome. The "quality" of ineffective care was

*Q: Which groups have been most responsive to your message? *

*A:*  I've been asked to deliver this message to many groups: Congress,
leaders of industry, "health" insurance and academic health center
administrators, and many academics here and abroad. All are receptive to the
message. However, any would pay a great personal and organizational price to
act on it. After all some 17% of the GDP is invested in the status quo, an
investment that captures many with its largesse. It would require a popular
mandate for anyone to act. *Worried Sick* is written to incite such a