

Hi all.

I am hitting a problem trying to reduce some GouldBelt survey data using Oracdr [Version 44e7ff32cec4, 'git'ed from JAC this morning, as per Brad's instructions on the GBS wiki].

Using the command
oracdr -files $ORAC_DATA_IN/filelist -onegroup REDUCE_SCIENCE_QA qaparams=$ORAC_DATA_IN/gbs_qa1.ini
[incidentally, is that the correct way to send a parameter file to the pipeline? also tried params=... which doesn't obviously do anything (either)... not a good sign, I know.]

orac proceeds through the reduction of each file until the makecube command, where it falls over with the following.

Creating cube.
Determining MAKECUBE parameters for RASTER.
 Creating cube from a20081109_00024_02_tss001, a20081109_00024_02_tss002, a20081109_00024_02_tss003...Arguments were: pixsize=7.2761 crota=-35 autogrid=yes system=tracking spread=NEAREST params='' usedetpos=no badmask=and alignsys=yes tiledims=176 tileborder=0 trimtiles=yes in='^/home/user/spxdjn/cap/harp/GB_NGC2071/NGC2071/13co/QA_out/oractempG0od23.lis' out=a20081109_00024_02_cube
#24 Err: !! No usable data positions found.
#24 Err: !  Unable to determine cube bounds
#24 Err: !! SAI__ERROR: Error
#24 Err: Error in obeyw to monolith smurf_mon (task=makecube): 148013867
#24 Err: Recipe completed with error status = 148013867
#24 Err: Continuing but this may cause problems during group processing

If I try and regrid the same files [i.e. a20081109_00024_02_tss001] using makecube (either a single file, or a list), I get the same error. However, I can successfully makecube the results of the previous stage in the pipeline [a20081109_00024_02_thr001], so I presume that something is going wrong with the last stage of the pipeline, which removes the median time-series signal

Does anyone know what is likely to be causing this problem?
