


it seems to me that in

spm_cfg_eeg_convert.m, line 37 should read:
usetrials.val = {1};  % instead of usetrials.val = {0},

to match the default value defined in spm_eeg_convert.m
(from the help text:
% S.usetrials      - 1 - take the trials as defined in the data [default]
%                    0 - use trial definition file even though the data is
%                        already epoched)

Then, having corrected that, i get the following error:

SPM8: spm_eeg_channelselection (v2866)             15:22:55 - 19/06/2009
Failed  'M/EEG Conversion'
Invalid MEX-file
'P:\Science\Matlab\spm8\@file_array\private\mat2file.mexw64': Invalid
access to memory location.

In file "P:\Science\Matlab\spm8\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v1355),
function "subfun" at line 132.
In file "P:\Science\Matlab\spm8\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v1355),
function "subsasgn" at line 73.
In file "P:\Science\Matlab\spm8\spm_eeg_convert.m" (v3088), function
"spm_eeg_convert" at line 346.
In file "P:\Science\Matlab\spm8\config\spm_cfg_eeg_convert.m" (v3059),
function "eeg_convert" at line 231.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: M/EEG Conversion

Thanks for any help,
regards, jakob