

On 3 Jun 2009, at 20:46, geisha rebolledo wrote:

High every one!!!. I enjoyed this discussion very much. This discussion about "the flow of energy" fascinates me. It made me think on one side on Quantum theory. I would like to ask Jack if that is  a way to approach this concept?. On the other hand I  just had the experience of attending a Symposium on Action research in San Diego University which was ecelent . There they showed  a video life conference  with some Professors from  the Japan Association of Action research . They examined  the integration of Action research with japanese way of practical thinking.They introduced the idea of " OMOI" which to my understanding is very similar to the energy connotation that Jack refers. Therefore I agree with this idea very much and somehow I feel it is more than knowledge. When I asked if OMOI has an spiritual  connotation in teaching they said something like witough OMOI you cannot teach !!!!  So, I believe this  is a crucial concept that deserves a special discussion.Thank you !! geisha

On 4 Jun 2009, at 08:26, Alan Rayner (BU) wrote:
.....experiential knowledge (embodied knowledge), acquired through learning to live, love and be loved as a dynamic embodiment of natural energy flow....

HI Geisha (and all) - very pleased to hear that you are enjoying this discussion - me too.  You ask if Quantum Theory is a way to approach the concept of 'the flow of energy'. I do think that Quantum Theory offers one way of conceptualising energy. I like Alan's point that the embodied knowledge I am writing about is acquired through 'learning to live, love and be loved as a dynamic embodiment of natural energy flow.'

My own understandings of flows of energy in educational relationships and explanations of educational influence are developing in a different way to that offered by Quantum Theory.

My understandings are developing from both the ostensive expressions of energy with values in educational relationships together and the lexical or conceptual understandings of energy and value that are carried through our use of a 'normative' language. 

By a 'normative' language I mean a language that assumes that a shared understandings of the meanings of the words we use rests on shared definitions of the meanings of the words. 

I think of these two forms of understandings as being grounded in ostensive expressions of meaning and lexical definitions of meaning. 

In ostensive expressions of meaning we develop a shared understanding through pointing to the phenomena we are seeking to understand. In lexical definitions the meanings of words are defined in terms of other words. Perhaps I can clarify my meanings with the following two multi-media illustrations. 

I have literally just come back from a meeting with the Inclusion Team of Bath and North East Somerset where I gave a short presentation on the different forms of understanding that can be developed with ostensive expression and lexical definitions. The presentation included viewing the video-clips and written/multi-media accounts of the participants in which the participants explain what they are doing. Please click on:

Everyone in this morning's meeting said that playing the clips all at once (you just click on each arrow), without the sound, resonated with their expressions of a 'life-affirming energy with values'. Those who had produced written accounts (click on the urls beneath the images) felt that their use of a 'normative' language helped with the clarification and communication of the significance of flows of 'life-affirming energy with values' in their explanations of educational influence. I find inspirational Chris Jones' dissertation on 'How do I improve my practice as Inclusion Officer working in a Children's Service' because of the way she integrates both ostensive expressions and lexical definitions on meaning. 

The second illustration is in the notes I've prepared for a masters session next Tuesday evening at: 

It follows the same format as the first illustration. Video-clips show expressions of life-affirming energy with values in the professional educational practices of the participants. Each individual has provided an account/explanation of their educational influences in their own learning and in the learning of others.

Over the next few months, before the Keynote Symposium at BERA on the 3rd September I'm hoping that everyone will help me to evaluate the validity of my claim that the academic legitimation of such energy-flow values as explanatory principles is contributing to the creation of an epistemological transformation in what counts as educational knowledge. 

Love Jack.