

Max Richards wrote:
>      Expulsion, Beverly Hills
> The Jewish co-educational academy
> attended by our nephew, 
> has lately expelled a girl
> for performing on her classmate 
> a hand-job during a lesson 
> (we wonder on what?).
> The teacher noticed it had begun, coolly
> asked everyone else to admire something
> out the window, and undertook
> disciplinary action in due course.
> We weren’t told if the lad was expelled – 
> perhaps just given a stiff talking-t
> She – she waved to our nephew
> on the street just now,
> her neckline plunging ‘way too low’,
> her hair ‘every colour of the rainbow’.

Surely, Max, you knew that "a stiff talking-to" is one of the worst puns 
in history, i.e., it is hilarious.

Stephen, age-inappropriate behavior is not just a California phenomenon. 
Back here in overprivileged New Jersey, The World According to Garp is 
edging closer to reality because on the middle school bus in Ocean 
Township, young ladies are known to be down on their knees attending to 
the libidinal requirements of their male classmates. All I can think is 
they'd better know where the speed bumps are.

Ken (who had to go teach DeMaupassant and Hurston but would rather laugh)