

Lars Albinsson wrote:
> I guess it is for instance possible to use Google to find information on
> what went into Google?

You can guess what you like but if you google "Stanford Research Google" 
you get only one reference (on the first page) to this issue from 
Google's own site at

This makes it plain that the software was designed at Stanford by two 
graduate students, no indication whether it was part of a research 
project or what degrees they were enrolled for (or even if they were 
awarded). It mentions no research at Stanford or by Stanford staff or 
students. It indicates that Stanford effectively asked them to move 
google off the university servers.

But help is at hand. finds three relevant hits on the first 
page including this proper paper that sets out the research and 
indicates the wider context in research at Stanford.
I expect Google Scholar would have found that

Well done Microsoft (now I have to wash my nmouth out with soapy water)

So as I said, until somebody provides a proper account with an audit 
trail, subject to critical review we know very little (we may believe 
