

If you didn't catch it yesterday, Mike Saunders, Director of Digital Media =
at Kew posted an update on our blog yesterday.
It's a short piece about Kew's recent mentions in the Digital Britain repor=
t and a new pilot project we're embarking on with Nesta, exploring new appr=
oaches to digital procurement and IPR in the public sector.
You can read Mike's post in full here...we'd love to hear from you. Thought=
s and comments welcome...

Thanks Claire. Mike's post links to a chapter from the "Digital 
Britain" report:

My first impressions of the chapter are that there's a lot of it (18 
pages). My tip is to skip straight to stuff in bold which are the 
core recommendations. The first section is taken up with general "How 
did we get here" type stuff but then a bit further in it starts to 
get more interesting and actually starts to make quite a bit of 
sense. Key bits I picked out are (my paraphrase):

25) Scary and long winded tender processes put off small companies 
who would produce innovative work.
      Contracting your whole project to one large established 
contractor who then subcontracts smaller companies also kills 
innovation because the large contractor is keen to minimise any risk.

33) Rather than everyone run their own (different) web servers it 
makes much more sense for the government to run a central cloud (The 
"G-Gloud" - how do they come up with these names?) and everyone can 
then just run their web services on this. For anyone who's ever sat 
in a NOF meeting debating "How much will it cost to maintain our 
servers - and how will we raise the money" this sounds like a good plan.

There's also a section which recognises that the current situation 
with public section IPR and Crown Copyright is a bit rubbish and 
points to a pilot project being done by Kew, the Tate and some others 
to improve things. If anyone involved could give more details about 
this, that would be great.

As I said I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of good sense in 
the report so I'd encourage others to have a look and feed back their thoughts.



Joe Cutting
Computer exhibits and installations
35 Hospital Fields Road, York, YO10 4DZ
01904 624681

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