

Hello all,

We'd like to introduce a step of "validation" before putting in our production farm glite's production software, to test that it does not break anything in our installation and see if it fits in our setup. We don't have a "test" instance (yet), but we'd like to introduce one. We've been brainstorming regarding this topic and would really appreciate some of your input!
We find it's difficult for us to validate if a worker node is properly configured prior to adding it to production. I believe that the target would be to flawlessly run the SAM jobs on the given worker node (ops & vo's specific SAM jobs). In order to do that, we feel we would need a new "validation" queue that can only run jobs on the wn being validated.
The main problem is into getting the SAM job sent into that queue. We could go two routes:

Do you think that these ideas are viable? Do you recommend one? Do you have a better alternative? Or ideas we might not have taken into account?

Thanks in advance,