

I've never tried it, and never read the documentation fully but the documentation for Novell Access Manager 3.1, a SAML IdP like Shibboleth has a section on integrating Sharepoint via ADFS and WS Federation. The relevant bit is here

The Shib documentation also covers ADFS and WS Federation ( It's part of the Shib 1 docs but I found another note that the functionality had been carried forward in to 2.0

So you may be able to do something around this. It's something I'll have to look in in 6-8 months, so if you get anywhere I'd love to hear about it.



On 29/06/2009 16:33, "Bruce Rodger" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Has anyone had any experiences or even thoughts about potential
integration between Shib and Microsoft Sharepoint? Could sharepoint
be configured to act as a SP?  Sounds like the ideal solution for
a collaborative research environment where the majority of users
are internal to your organisation, but you have a significant number
of "externals".

The subject came up in conversation earlier today. After my immediate
reaction (which involved spluttering and spilling coffee!) I thought I
might as well ask on the list...

A google search isn't particularly helpful. One potential
solution that comes up is the ActiveShareFS product from 9StarResearch,
a company that I have had previous dealings with in a spam context...

Other useful links are


Bruce Rodger                      [log in to unmask]
Network Manager, IT Services      |
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