

Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming special 
issue of Humanity and Society on Social Inequalities and Health.

Humanity and Society, Volume 33, Numbers 1 & 2, February/May 2009.

You may wish to have your library subscribe to it and/or consider using it 
as course material.

I am attaching the Introduction.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Social Inequalities and Health
Toba Bryant and Dennis Raphael

Reflections on Lupus and the Environment in an Urban African American 
Edith M. Williams, Luis E. Zayas, Judith Anderson, Adrianne Ransom and 
Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter

Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens, Poor Health: The Legacy of 
Colonization in Canada
Wendee Kubik, Carrie Bourassa and Mary Hampton

Existing on a Boundary: The Delivery of Socially Uninsured Health Services 
to Aboriginal Groups in Canada
Carlos R. Quiñonez and Josée G. Lavoie

Primary Care and Equity in Health: The Importance to Effectiveness and 
Equity of Responsiveness to Peoples? Needs
Barbara Starfield

The Elephant in the Room: The Invisibility of Poverty in Research on Type 
2 Diabetes
Claudia Chaufan and Rose Weitz

Welfare State Regimes and the Political Economy of Health
Clare Bambra

Social Inequalities, Public Policy, and Health
Toba Bryant

Reducing Social and Health Inequalities Requires Building Social and 
Political Movements
Dennis Raphael