

Dear all
I'm currently working on a cross-curricular 'connected learning' resource for use on interactive whiteboards for teachers of KS2 children. It's funded by three LEAs, and as with my previous commission from them (cultural identity and diversity), they are keen to encourage teachers to visit venues (and websites) that deal with any of the above themes.
I'd like to compile a list of such places from around the UK and would be grateful if you advise of any that come under your jurisdiction.
Subject to finding suitable material, tangential elements will also look at:
- the excavation and recording of shipwrecks
- the conservation of historic ships
- trade routes that were particularly prone to piracy and the goods these vessels transported.
As well as exploring smuggling and piracy in the past we will also be looking at contemporary practices.
One element I am particularly seeking help over is the (relatively easy) acquisition of archive material that can be used by children. I'd be grateful for recommendations of repositories that hold such materials and will help me identify and obtain copies of sources. I'm happy to travel anywhere in the country if necessary, but wish to avoid spending days trawling through records.
If it is easier to chat about this, then please let me know when it will be convenient to telephone.
thank you
David Walmsley