

Hello Dr Pierpaoli,
I am wondering if you have, in fact, posted the DTI software that computes


Dianne Patterson

On Wed, Feb 6, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Carlo Pierpaoli <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Dianne,
> the main motivation for proposing the lattice anisotropy index (LI) was to
> reduce noise effects in the computed anisotropy. At that time,  we had just
> realized that noise in the DWIs would not only increase the variance of
> diffusion anisotropy measures but also bias their mean value. in other
> words, the noisier the images the higher the anisotropy computed from them.
>  This was a very troubling finding because statistical tests do not
> generally handle bias in the data.  The problem is still unresolved today,
> although it is partially mitigated by the fact that data quality is much
> improved.
> The main idea behind the definition of the lattice index is that if
> anisotropy is spurious (i.e. originating from white noise) the orientation
> of the anisotropic tensors in adjacent voxels should be uncorrelated, while
> if anisotropy is reflecting a true tissue feature, tensor in adjacent voxels
> should show some degree of orientational coherence.
> In the lattice index, lack of orientational similarity results in lower
> anisotropy, intrinsically compensating for the noise-induced bias.  indeed,
> LI proved to be a very powerful way to counteract noise-induced  bias in the
> anisotropy images.
> As Stefano and Steve mentioned one may have some concerns that the lattice
> index is not a purely intravoxel measure and that  it may iintroduce some
> spatial averaging in the data.  This is a reasonable concerns, although in
> my experience it is not a practically relevant problem.  In the lattice
> index, anisotropy is still an "intravoxel" feature, that however, is
> modulated (de-noised) by the degree of orientational coherence of tensors in
> surrounding voxels. If you think carefully, even in regions of transition
> between anisotropic to isotropic structures, the orientational field is
> varying smoothly, affecting slightly the lattice index.  The only regions
> where the assumption of slowly varying orientation is violated is at the
> interfaces between highly anisotropic white matter tracts with significantly
> different orientation, for example at the interface between corpus callosum
> and cingulum.
> So, to answer your question: why the lattice index and is not more widely
> used ?  Probably for a combination of factors:  the concern for spatial
> averaging, the perception that its meaning is more difficult to interpret
> biologically,  the complexity of its definition,  the fact that its formula
> had a typo in the original publication (an erratum with the correct formula
> was subsequently published), and that it takes longer to compute.  Moreover,
> at this stage the community needs to find a common language and FA is so
> widely used that it makes a lot of sense to report FA data just to allow for
> comparisons with work in the literature.
> This said,  I still find very convenient to inspect LI images in parallel
> with FA images and I still use LI as a filter for all directionally encoded
> color maps that we produce. The usefulness of LI is very evident when
> dealing with high resolution noisy data. i would not use LI for low
> resolution, good SNR data.
> If you have a few datasets for which you would like to compare FA and LI we
> would be happy to process them. In a few months we should have our DTI
> processing software released which  compute LI and LI-filtered DEC maps .
> Hope this helps.
> Best wishes,
> Carlo Pierpaoli, NIH
> On Feb 6, 2008, at 2:03 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
>  Thanks. Also, I would say that FA has been the most popular measure of
>> anisotropy _within_ a voxel. If you are interested in quantifying anisotropy
>> (etc.) using longer-range measures then IC may indeed be interesting but is
>> no longer a purely within-voxel measure, and so the gates are open to also
>> potentially consider methods such as tractography in your analysis.
>> Cheers, Steve.
>> On 5 Feb 2008, at 21:17, Marenco, Stefano (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:
>>  I think that this measure was originally named Lattice Index in the
>>> Pierpaoli paper cited. It is more stable than FA (less sensitive to noise),
>>> but more prone to partial volume effects. I used this in a recent PNAS paper
>>> (Marenco et al. 2007). Some discussion of the reasons to choose LI or IC
>>> instead of FA are mentioned in the supplementary material of the paper.
>>> Stefano Marenco
>>> From: Dianne Patterson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 3:38 PM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: [FSL] Intervoxel Coherence, anyone?
>>> Dear Group,
>>> I recently came across the following:
>>> Begre, S., Frommer, A., von Kanel, R., Kiefer, C., & Federspiel, A.
>>> (2007). Relation of white matter anisotropy to visual memory in 17 healthy
>>> subjects. Brain Research, 1168, 60-66.
>>> "DTI measures diffusion-driven displacements of molecules during their
>>> random path along axonal fibers, expressed as fractional anisotropy (FA) or
>>> intervoxel coherence (IC) ranging from 0 (isotropic medium) to 1 (fully
>>> anisotropic medium). FA is a measure that quantifies the degree to which
>>> diffusion differs in the three dimensions. IC considers the degree of
>>> collinearity between the diffusion tensor of the reference voxel and the
>>> adjacent voxels, and, in addition, guarantees a better signal-to-noise ratio
>>> than the commonly used FA (Pierpaoli and Basser, 1996). Hence, based on the
>>> determination of the similarity of orientation of adjacent voxels, IC
>>> reflects a measure of connectivity, expressing fiber coherence at the voxel
>>> level with a spatial sampling limited by voxel size."
>>> "To compute the difference of intervoxel coherence values between the low
>>> performer and the high performer group, a t-test was computed for each voxel
>>> within the 3-D white matter template. To identify volume-corrected regions,
>>> clusters were defined as 6 or more neighboring voxels (6 mm3) exceeding the
>>> t-test value of 2.9 (P < .01). For each cluster, IC values were averaged and
>>> tabulated and Talairach coordinates (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988) of the
>>> centers of gravity were noted. Clusters were assigned to the underlying
>>> white matter using 3-D anatomical data."
>>> ============================================================================================
>>> I can find little else on the subject, and I wondered, if IC is so
>>> superior to FA, why isn't it a commonplace dti measure?
>>> Has anyone out there used this technique, and would you care to comment
>>> on it?
>>> Thankyou,
>>> Dianne
>>> --
>>> Dianne Patterson, Ph.D.
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> ERP Lab
>>> University of Arizona
>>> 621-3256 (Office)
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Stephen M. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
>> Associate Director,  Oxford University FMRIB Centre
>> FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
>> +44 (0) 1865 222726  (fax 222717)
>> [log in to unmask]
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dianne Patterson, Ph.D.
[log in to unmask]
University of Arizona
SLHS 328