


If you are talking about the mean signal as the baseline regressor then
I'm afraid the answer is no.  We do not remove the mean signal via a
regressor, but instead remove it from the signal and the model in the
pre-statistical filtering.  Hence we do not generate values or variances
for it.  But it is easy to calculate the mean using fslmaths and -Tmean
on the original data if that is all you want.

All the best,

On 23 Jun 2009, at 15:49, Luis Hernandez wrote:

> Dear FSL experts,
> Is there a way to get FSL to dump the parameter estimate for the  
> baseline regressor into a file, like pe0? (It looks like the  
> mean_func file might do the trick ... is this right?) BUT more  
> importantly, how about its variance estimate? can that be dumped  
> out?  FEAT writes out varcope files based on the specified contrasts  
> but I don't see how to make a contrast that uses the baseline  
> regressor, since it is kind of "hidden" ?
> I apologize if I missed something obvious.  thanks in advance
> -Luis
> --
> ( )