

Dear SPMers,

I am unsure about a batch script that I have been using and just want to make sure what 
I am doing is correct.

I am preprocessing mutisession fMRI data of a block design.
(1) First, I am obtaining realign parameters ("Realign: Estimate") for all sessions for a 
(2) Then, I am coregistering the anatomical image (source image). As Reference image, I 
am entering my "Realign: Estimate: Realigned Images (Sess 1)" file via "Dependency".
(3) Then, I am segmenting the subject's anatomical image.
(4) Then, I am normalizing ("Normalize: Write") all sessions using all "Realign: Estimate: 
Realigned Images (Sess 1, 2, ...)" as "Images to Write" and the "DEP Segment: Norm 
Params Subj->MNI" option as "Parameter File".

Therefore, for the coregistration step, I have used only Session and probably just one 
image out of that functional series to coregister with the subject's anatomical image. 

I am asking naively a few questions:
As I am apparently only coregistering one image of one session to my anatomical image, 
should I be concerned about deformations? Should I not consider several sessions for the 
coregistration to my anatomical image? Am I correct in the interpretation that, at the 
normalization step, the parameters from the normalization of the segmentated 
anatomical image are used to normalize my functional (Session) images?

These questions are basically to make sure I understand the process correctly.


Michael Froelich
University of Alabama at Birmingham