

Hello all, 

With regard to the issue of my ROI disappearing when I attempted to
coregister it as "other image", someone suggested drawing a VOI on multiple
slices of the T1 image, which I did in DTIstudio; this worked and I was able
to see the ROI after coregistration of the T1 with the b0 image, using the
ROI as "other image". However, the ROI is flipped anterior-posterior after
this coregistration, despite the fact that the T1 is well registered with
the B0. I was assuming that whatever transformation matrix was generated for
coregistration of the T1 with the b0 would simply be applied to any "other
images" specified, but it doesn't look that way.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how I might be able to fix the flipped ROI
and complete the analyses?

Thanks much - 
