Dear SPM users,


Running a 2-sample t-test (comparing Groups A & B) on a number of contrasts (e.g. condition X>Y), I get an error message for only two of the contrasts during estimation, without any files being generated.


If I run the test using the GUI, then the error is just a warning saying (no files are generated):


Error running job: Error using ==> spm_spm at 861

Please check your data: There are no significant voxels.

In file "/storage/data/paloyelisy/SPM/spm5/spm_spm.m" (v946), function "spm_spm" at line 861.

In file "/storage/data/paloyelisy/SPM/spm5/spm_config_fmri_est.m" (v832), function "run_est" at line 394.




If I run the test using a script, the execution of the script stops when the specific contrasts are encountered, and  get a similar message:


??? Error using ==> spm_spm at 861

Please check your data: There are no significant voxels.


Error in ==> spm_config_fmri_est>run_est at 394

    SPM = spm_spm(SPM);


Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1587



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1597



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1597



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_job at 482



Error in ==> spm_jobman at 89



Error in ==> T2ModelSpecificationEstimation at 166




There were recently some postings on a similar issue another user was facing, but I am not sure I understood what was wrong. I assume it must not be an error of the images being lined-up, as the test worked fine for the remaining contrasts.


Does that simply mean that there were no significant voxels in either group and SPM does not need to compare the groups, or is it something else??


Many thanks for you help!


Best wishes,
