

Dear SPMers,
Could any of you advise what the following error means?
Failed  'Model estimation'
Output argument "V" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Program Files\spm8\spm_reml.m (spm_reml)".
In file "C:\Program Files\spm8\spm_spm.m" (v2975), function "spm_spm" at line 869.
In file "C:\Program Files\spm8\config\spm_run_fmri_est.m" (v2928), function "spm_run_fmri_est" at line 69.
Pictorially, I noticed that the motion parameters in the model were a uniform shade of grey rather than their usual finely striped appearance.
The error continually happens when it's trying to calculate the 128th ReML iteration.
Sincerely yours
Dr Rachel Mitchell,
Lecturer in Psychology, Durham University
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Psychiatry, KCL
Governor, Tees Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Correspondence:  Dept. of Psychology,Durham University,Science Site,South Road,Durham. DH1 3LE. UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 3272
Fax: +44 (0)191 334 3241