

On 1st level, conjunction analysis is done by highlighting two contrasts in the 
results part. But I have problem with doing conjunction analysis on the 2nd 
level as there is no new con files generated from the 1st level for the 

My case is like this:
 on 1st level, I have the con files of  :  A1-A2 ; B1-B2  for each subject
 on 2nd level, I want to do conjunction of : A1-A2 Vs B1-B2 for all subjects

Since on 2nd level the con files of A1-A2, B1-B2 are at different folders after 
doing 1-sample t-tests of the constrasts, I couldn't select the two contrast 

I've also tried to use paired sample t-test with con files of A1-A2 & B1-B2, but 
the error message appeared : "There is no significant voxels" and the 
estimation process stopped. 

Could anyone tell me how to perform conjunction analysis at the 2nd level?
Thanks a lot!
