

Humdinger, Ken - if that's burn-out, wish I could have burnt out so impressively. The "It is not the same" lines remind me of the brilliantly wacky dialogue between Irene Dunne & Cary Grant near the end of *The Awful Truth*. Good to see you again - I was wondering where you had got to...
And the globe keeps rolling towards a pocket without a bottom although on the way the green cloth field is smooth. - Louis MacNeice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kenneth Wolman 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 3:47 AM
  Subject: Ken/"Childe Kenneth to the Dark Tower Came Back"

  Childe Kenneth To The Dark Tower Came Back
  (Lyndhurst, N.J., 5/2/09)

  Mazur's Bakery is where I left it, and
  the Polish grocery on Ridge Road still
  sells things with names I can't pronounce.
  Across the same Ridge Road where
  Dr. Williams lived forever, there's the church
  where They poured water and chrism on me
  so I could change horses *nel mezzo del cammin*
  and still journey unimpeded through the mud.

  Here is where I am supposed to say
  "It is the same but I am not, therefore
  it is not the same at all."  But
  it doesn't look that much different; even with
  a new shopping mall it feels mostly the same
  as when I left it nine years ago. It's said
  that Lot's wife looked back at her old homestead
  and underwent her singular transformation
  into a common condiment. But this version
  of the Disobedient Sinner doesn't even glance
  at the restaurant with the hidden apartment
  where he succumbed at last to the weight of earth
  and began, slowly, slowly, to transform to a human being
  often without salt or savor.

  So where I used to live perhaps doesn't matter,
  or I suppose not. It looks the same,
  it doesn't, things are gone, things remain,
  things are new: it is at last a zero-sum
  pile of crafted rubble, a memory
  about which I can write bad poems
  when I should be writing good ones about
  the things I truly remember.


  What a re-entry...I think I burned up hitting the atmosphere.

  Ken Wolman
  "All writers are hunters, and parents are the most available prey."--Francine du Plessix Gray