

Oh yeah, there are the big international names, but I was thinking of  
the various local companies etc; Toronto's always had a large local  
playwriting scene as well as theatres doing everything, & Edmonton,  
too, with some intriguing local authors, like Stewart Lemoine, who  
formed a company to present his, mostly lightly comic, but actually  
very witty, in the best sense, plays (to write really good comedy  
takes a certain genius). We have a bunch of local playwrights, &  
theatre groups, which sounds a lot like you do. And a wide range of  
theatre coming from them.

And something similar can be said of the local, often not well known  
beyond the city, theatres in Vancouver, Regina & Saskatoon, Calgary,  
Winnipeg, just in Western Canada (which is pretty well ignored in  
Ontario & Toronto; do you have that problem with Sydney?).

On 30-May-09, at 4:13 PM, Alison Croggon wrote:

> Thanks Andrew - if you invest in the paper you get a gorgeous shot of
> Cate and cast in the War of the Roses (did you see that when it was in
> Perth?)  - Doug, I wouldn't be surprised, although I don't know a lot
> about Canadian theatre - Lepage and Marie Brassard and a couple of
> others. I guess we have similar histories as colonies and Commonwealth
> countries, though significant differences too.

Douglas Barbour
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Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

Swept snow, Li Po,
by dawn’s 40-watt moon
to the road that hies to office
away from home.

             Lorine Niedecker