

I would be interested to hear of any library, especially in Higher Education, 
which has placed short loan books (borrowable for approximately 24 hours/ 
over the weekend or less) on its open shelves (either within the main 
sequence or separate from the main sequence but not within security 
gates).   At Swansea University we have a closed access Short Loan 
Collection, but after this summer we may place some of the books from this 
Collection on the open shelves.     If your library does have short loan books 
on the open shelves I would be grateful if you could tell me how well (or 
badly) you think that the system works.   Do you find any problems such as 
books in heavy demand being hidden or not returned quickly enough to the 

Ian Glen
Arts and Humanities Librarian
Swansea University

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Tel. 01792 295030