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Economic Evaluations and Economic Evidence in Healthcare: Finding
Information to Inform Technology Assessments and Economic Models

University of York, 07 July 2009

Health economics information is a key element in much health services
research and particularly in health technology assessments.  Identifying
economic evidence to inform such research can involve searches in a range of
databases and using a variety of strategies.  This study day will include a
'jargon buster' session on the basics of health economics and economic
models.  It will also feature presentations about key economics information
resources including NHS EED, Health Economic Evaluations Database (HEED) and
the CEA Registry, and explorations of options for searching to identify data
for economic models.  There will be opportunities for hands-on practice. 

The study day presenters will be Matthew Taylor, Julie Glanville, Pauline
Howarth and Nigel Thompson. 

For further details and a booking form:
Or contact Julie Glanville or Alan Blighe (e-mail: [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask], tel: 01904-434827).

Julie Glanville
Project Director - Information Services
York Health Economics Consortium Ltd
University of York
Market Square
Vanbrugh Way
Tel:  01904 434832 (Direct)   433620 (General)
Fax: 01904 433628
email:  [log in to unmask]
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